Categories Video Writing

Video: My Yiayia

Many people have unique and beautiful stories, but the one that I am about to tell you is very special to me. Stavroula Mavrogeorgis is the grandmother (or Yiayia in Greek) of two children, Eve my older sister and me, Ruby Cogan. Stavroula, my Yiayia, had always wanted to be a godmother but no-one had […]

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Categories General Video

Video: School Captain Valedictory Speech

This year I had the honour of being the girl school captain of my school, Claremont College, for 2015. Of all the speeches I did this year, my favourite was my Valedictory Speech in front of the students, parents and teachers. I loved writing the speech because it was a trip down memory lane, remembering all of […]

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Video: Google Maps – The Australian Co-Inventor, Noel Gordon

Google Maps – The Australian Co-Inventor, Noel Gordon   Co-Inventor of Google Maps – Noel Gordon Full Interview Here is the long interview.   For my big assignment this year in Year 6, I had to choose a great Australian. I interviewed Australian Noel Gordon, who is the co-inventor of Google Maps. He is an […]

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Categories Filming Video

Video: Review of Tomb Raider Xbox Video Game

I am 11 years old and I just finished a video game called “Tomb Raider”, which was based on the movie, Tomb Raider. The video game is about a girl, named Lara Croft, (who is played by the famous actor, Angelina Jolie). I have watched both movies but that did not really help in playing […]

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Categories Filming Video

Video: What might children be saying in 2025? (If we destroy our environment)

I was asked to be a part of an advertisement to help save Australia’s environment. It was organised by Getup who help protect Australia’s environment. I thought the video was funny. The video shows a classroom in 2025 where 4 kids (including me) are telling their holiday stories during “Show and Tell”. Each student has […]

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