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Video: School Captain Valedictory Speech

This year I had the honour of being the girl school captain of my school, Claremont College, for 2015.

Of all the speeches I did this year, my favourite was my Valedictory Speech in front of the students, parents and teachers. I loved writing the speech because it was a trip down memory lane, remembering all of the amazing moments my year has had in our past 7 years at Claremont.

I had a really amazing time this year with my partner, the boy school captain, Tom Findlay. We did so many amazing things together, as part of our roles we greeted guests, conducted tours around the school to prospective parents and many other things that took me out of the class room. I started each Monday at the school assembly with the acknowledgement to our country and worked a lot with my school principal, Mr Doug Thomas.

Something that I didn’t expect and that I really enjoyed about my role, was many parents would regularly speak to me and that meant I was able to get to know many of the parents.

For me, the best thing were the speeches. I made many speeches on many different occasions, whether it be at the Mother’s Day breakfast or the Anzac Day Service. I’m lucky that I now have more experience speaking.

I am so grateful for all the opportunities that I have had this year at Claremont College. I really loved my school and the school community. Over the past 7 years I have had an amazing experience and now I am ready for high school.

I hope you liked my speech!


1 comment

Congratulations on graduating Ruby, and on delivering such a fantastic speech!

You, your teachers and your parents should be very proud.

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