Categories Filming Video

Video: What might children be saying in 2025? (If we destroy our environment)

I was asked to be a part of an advertisement to help save Australia’s environment. It was organised by Getup who help protect Australia’s environment.

I thought the video was funny. The video shows a classroom in 2025 where 4 kids (including me) are telling their holiday stories during “Show and Tell”. Each student has a different “environmental” story to tell.

The first news story is about the disappearance of the “Great Barrier Reef”. The second news story is about “fracking” in the outback. The third story is my story and I tell the class about the deforestation happening in Tasmania. The last story is about allowing shooting in our National Parks.

The video ends by asking all Australians to “help protect the places that make Australia beautiful” by not allowing Prime Minister Tony Abbott to hand over decision-making powers to State Governments and vested interests.

Figure: This is me in 2025
Figure: This is me in a classroom in 2025

I really enjoyed being part of this production and I hope this never happens to Australia. 2025 is only 10 years away! I learnt so much on the day, because I was the last child to be filmed, so I asked lots of questions about fracking and how it pollutes our water. I don’t think mining companies should be allowed to frack in Australia.

Join me on the walk. (I plan on being there on the first day, Saturday 21 February [Avon Dam and Camden events])

Please Don’t Frack! Sydney’s Water is too Precious

Sydneysiders will walk 160km this month, from where our drinking water comes from, right to NSW Parliament in the centre of the city to deliver an important message to our MPs: protect our water!

It doesn’t kick off until 21 February but it’s already making news:

Join the Walk for Water… You don’t have to walk the whole way though, of course you are welcome to. RSVP here:



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