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Using Google Maps (My Places and Pins) for my assignment

A few of us in year 4 were selected to do Extension Literacy. Although I knew this meant extra work for my weekends, I was excited because I was finally able to use Edmodo, which is like Facebook but for students and teachers. I had seen my big sister Eve using Edmodo last year and I thought it looked pretty cool.

Below you will see my “Asia and Australia” assignment and some parts were really hard! The bit I really liked was discovering how to use Google Maps. You can create your own personal map with pins on different places. Continue reading

An Interview with my Dad

(My Year 3 home work assignment for Miss Xie, is to interview my dad about his memories growing up. Here is what I learnt.)

As a child my dad lived on a farm in the Hunter Valley. So he got the chance to have fun with animals.

My dad was very adventurous so he liked doing things that were scary and fun, like building motor bike tracks. This sounds like fun, I’m sure I would do it too if I had the time and room. Continue reading