Categories Homework Video

Video: Rewarding Recycling #1 – Australians who are helping to keep our environment clean

Here is my 1st video on recycling. I hope it will encourage the people of Australia to keep our environment clean, by recycling and not littering. This is for my two Year 4 teachers (Mrs Justine Holden and Mr Peter Scott) and my enrichment literacy teachers (Ms Meg Thompson and Mrs Stephanie Affleck). During our Year 4 Enrichment class at my school, we were given a very interesting assignment. To find a local environmental issue that we cared about and explain what is being done to help with the issue. I chose to make a video using Adobe Premiere Pro.

I did lots of research and discovered many interesting facts. There are so many initiatives that have been started by local residents of Randwick, Sydney. They all are encouraging us to recycle and keep the environment clean. I have learnt that the plastic bottles are causing the most problems. I also didn’t know how harmful cigarettes butts were to the environment… I already knew they were bad for humans!

I met many expert environmental enthusiasts around Randwick and you can see them in my video:

  • Lisa Wriley – Waste Campaigner at Total Environment Centre. She is campaigning for a 10c refund for recycling bottles and cans in NSW.
  • Justin Bonsey – Responsible Runners. They are cleaning our beaches.
  • Heidi Taylor – Tangaroa Blue. She helps clean our marine rubbish.
  • Alec Wagstaff – Coca Cola, Australia. He is encouraging more bins on the streets.
  • David Catalovski – Managing Director of Green Money. This is a very exciting initiative where you get rewards for putting recyclable materials in your recycle bin.
  • Paola Tanner – A keen home recycler with 4 bins. In her house every food scrap goes to the compost or her chickens. Paola is also a passionate Green Money user.
  • Brooke Rooney – Brooke comes from Tennessee in America and she had no knowledge of recycling until coming to Australia. She is now a keen recycler.

Enjoy the video and ask yourself  “What are you doing to keep your environment clean?”



Alison says:

Dearest Ruby,
I am so excited to watch your school assignment, all these people are inspirational.
Well done. I was interested to see “More bins” ad a recycling effort idea from the coke guy.
I will watch in the morning and show the boys. Love Alison xx

I admire your attitude and your tenacity in presenting this on your blog…. Please be encouraged to move forward… There are people all about in community groups who would love the way you have presented your ideas…

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