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Video: I made a video on Google Maps Engine

I made a video on the new Google Maps Engine. This is my short five minute version. It took me a while to make but it was worth it.


On March 27, 2013, Google launched Google Maps Engine Lite, a simplified version of its commercial Maps Engine product which is meant to eventually replace the My Maps feature.

In my last post I told you that Google My Places (also called My Maps) was good, well Google Maps Engine is much better. It has layers and you can change the pins so that they are different shapes and colours. This is a cool new feature. Once you’re finished you can share the map or even embed it in on your web page!

There is one problem though, you can only have three layers instead of as many as you want. I think they will fix this soon!

I hope you like my video. I edited the video myself and I learnt how to use something called multi-cam editing. This is something that my big sister Eve hasn’t even done and she is much better at video editing then me!  At first it was nine minutes (this is my long 9 minute version) and I cut it down to five minutes. It was very sad, having to cut out some video, but I wanted my video shorter because Eve said it would be more interesting to watch.


Mina Mavrogeorgis says:

Well done little Munchkin! This is soooo cool 🙂 Planning my next holiday already!! xo

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