Categories Homework Video

Video: Rewarding Recycling #2 – The Green Money Initiative started in Randwick, Sydney

Here is my 2nd video on recycling for my Year 4 Enrichment Literacy Class. I hope this video helps to encourage people to use their recycling bins.

For this video, I interviewed David Catalovski who is the Managing Director of Green Money. David explains how Green Money works. offers rewards based on the weight in your recycling bin.

This video turned out different than I first thought. My first idea was to do it on the 10 cent container deposit system. They use this in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Nobody throws their plastic bottles on the ground because you receive 10 cents for each bottle or can that you return for recycling. Then I heard my mum talking to her friend Antoinette Walker who owns a local gift shop called Nik Nak about Green Money. I thought “I will do my assignment on Green Money”. I rang them up for an interview and they organised David.

Thank you David for giving me your time. 🙂

Figure: This is the RFID chip that is in all of Randwick bins
Figure: This is the RFID chip that is in all of Randwick bins
Figure: This is me holding the RFID chip with my friendly local Randwick Council workers
Figure: This is me holding the RFID chip with my friendly local Randwick Council workers

Making the video was a long, slow process but it was worth it. I enjoyed making the video because it was fun learning all the new features of Adobe Premiere Pro software. My Year 4 teachers are Mrs Justine Holden and Mr Peter Scott and my Enrichment Literacy Teacher Mrs Meg Thompson is entering this into Randwick Council’s competition called the “Grin competition.” Know more at the GReen INnovation Competition website.

Wish me luck.

Enjoy the video,

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