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Video: How to teach your kids algebra with the game DragonBox by Ruby Cogan (8 years old)

Dragon Box is a maths game to help kids learn algebra. My dad discovered the game and told me to try it out. I finished the game in one week and it had 5 chapters and 20 levels on each chapter. That’s 100 rounds all together, all done in about 2 hours!

After that I started again and completed it 3 times.

I started with things as easy as


I finished being able to solve things like


Dad says I can now do algebra. At first I didn’t know what that meant, but now I know it is when they want you to find the missing number.

The game was interesting because it helps kids with their algebra and it is fun to play too. Well sometimes….. The game was a little confusing at the beginning, but there are hints. Sometimes I wished there were a few more hints. The hints are given as videos to explain the concepts at the start of the game. When I got answers right, I realised that I probably understood more than I thought I did.

I still prefer a normal game such as Subway Surfers. My older sister Eve Cogan, enjoyed DragonBox too.

I tried to show my parents how to play this game. I had each of them watch the introductory video and then watch me play a level, but they still found the game impossible to follow. I also found it impossible to teach, so I made a video.

I think the reason my parents could not follow the game is because they were not taught algebra in this way, or so they said. In fact, even though I was taught a little algebra at school (and I have seen it when doing Mathletics), it was taught very differently, but I quickly changed my way of thinking to the game’s method and I was able to get through all the levels quite quickly.

Even though I am only 8 years old, I really like Maths and I can recommend Dragon Box for your kids. Give it a go, don’t bother trying to explain it to your kids though, they’ll work it out for themselves!

I hope you enjoy my video and you see how it works. Try

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy



Margaret Westaway says:

Hi Ruby, can I share your review with my tech team at work? I am a teacher.

Hi Ms Westaway
Sure, I would be honoured.
Thanks, Ruby


thanks a lot for your nice video on DragonBox!
Big hugs from the WeWantToKnow team
If you ever come to Paris or Oslo, let us know 🙂

And good luck with acting!

Hi Ruby, thanks for a great demo of our first game. Feedback from kids like you are most important for us when improving our games and making new ones.

We really would like to use your video as a reference and it would be great if you could contact us per email

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